2024-2025 Annual Fund
HOW MUCH should I give?
The recommended tax-deductible donation is $550 per child. But this “recommended” donation is just that — a recommendation. Please give what you can and consider giving more if your means allows. Our goal is for every PS 33 family to participate at any level resulting in the school’s 100% participation. We need your support to meet our budgeted expenses and to help increase the school’s participation rate, which will consequently make PS 33 a better candidate for grant proposals. Annual Fund participation is a characteristic that family-body organizations and politicians look for when deciding where to allocate grant money.
Annual Goal Progress
It takes a village and every little but helps.
WHAT is the Annual Fund?
You may have already contributed to the TA Fund, and might be wondering why there is a separate appeal for the Annual Fund! The simple answer is that these are two different funds, and the money raised in each is used in totally different ways! The Annual Fund donations go directly to supporting the wonderful enrichment programs at PS33. Last year, the Annual Fund supported the Third Street Music School program, ICN Chess, the Center for Architecture Bridge Program, National Dance Institute and Arts Connection Dance, the Children’s Museum of the Arts Stop Motion Animation, TADA Performing Arts, and the Giant Room STEM and Coding/Robotics programs. None of these amazing enrichment programs would have been possible without your generous Annual Fund contributions! In contrast, the money raised through the TA Fund is spent entirely on supporting the salaries of the Teacher’s Assistants working with each grade. So, if you are able to support both funds, we hope you will make a contribution to the Annual Fund AND the TA Fund this year!
The Annual Fund is our largest PTA fundraising campaign of the year. Over 50% of the PTA annual revenue comes from Annual Fund donations.
Our Annual Fund also enables us to have great community building events such as our Multicultural Night, Fall-o-ween, Talent Show, Movie Nights and many others.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, our goal is to raise $200,000, or $33,333 per grade.
WHY is the Annual Fund crucial to our children’s education?
With your support we can make PS 33 the best! The vast majority of funds the NYC DOE allocates to each school provide only basic educational and capital needs, and every year the city struggles with significant budget shortfalls. The Annual Fund assists in providing a well-rounded education that includes athletics, theater, dance, science/STEM and arts programs. Your contributions go directly to fund these programs which maximize each PS 33 child’s academic, creative and emotional growth!
““PS 33 Chelsea Prep has been life-altering. My boys have thrived with grade appropriate enrichments and acceleration in top subjects; exploring tall buildings and bridges with architecture were favorites! Aside from nourishing their hungry brains, PS 33 teachers work to keep my boys’ brains active and focused...a challenging task for curious and energetic children. To the staff, parent body, students and educators at 33, thank you for your dedication!””
HOW can I make my contribution?
Donations may be made online or by returning your donation form to your child's teacher in a sealed envelope marked PTA or directly to the PTA office, Room 116.
Payment can be made by check or credit card.
To donate by checks -- please write attention to: PS033M Chelsea Prep PTA Inc. Please write separate checks for the TA Fund and for the Annual Fund. For the TA Fund, be sure to include in the memo TA Fund/Grade/Child's Full Name.
You can either drop off the checks in a sealed envelope in your child's backpack (please mark ATTN: PTA Office on the envelope) or you can mail them directly to the school at:
PS33 Chelsea Prep
Attn: PTA Office
281 9th Avenue
New York, NY 10001
A payment plan can also be set up in any installment. All donations are confidential and tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
CAN I get a corporate match from my employer?
YES. If your employer has matching gift program, please be sure to request a match. We would be happy to fill out any forms required.
See if your employer will match your donation!
What if I have questions?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss making a pledge, please contact the Treasurer at ps33ptatreasurer@gmail.com or PTA at ps33pta@gmail.com
Chelsea Prep PTA Inc. is registered under NY as a not-for-profit tax exempt status under IRS Section No. 501(c)(3). Your donation is tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.
Your donation impacts every child and allows the PTA to contribute to the excellent programs, resources, and enrichment that PS 33 offers.
Note: Based on Chancellor’s regulations on Financial Record keeping, PTA may not offer reimbursements or refunds after funds have been collected and deposited (A-660, pg. 31).
SEL with The GIant room
See blog post on Social Emotional Learning work at PS 33 in partnership with The Giant Room.
“When we chose PS 33 for our child’s education, we considered the school’s spirit, raving reviews, scenic view of colorful parakeets and display of trophies students successfully won. As a transfer student in 1st Grade. I can say she quickly adapted to teachers, new friends and curriculum. What I love most about PS 33 is that teachers and staff has always displayed great leadership for students to follow. What makes PS 33 special is that every student is intelligent, creative, hardworking and modest kids that look forward to learning something new everyday. Thank you PS 33 for continuing to sculpt our children into leaders.”